Player Status B
This is the content of Player Status B.
0x028 timestamp
This is the number of OSTicks since 2000/01/01 at 00:00.
Timestamp to Time Converter
For more info about converting a timestamp to a human readable time, see OSTicksToCalendarTime.
Selecting the Default Quest Log
The default quest log on the file select screen is picked this way:
- From the set which includes Quest Log 1 and any other Quest Logs which pass their checksum test, pick the Quest Log which has the latest timestamp (compared at the seconds level).
- In the case of a tie, Quest Log 1 has the highest priority and Quest Log 3 has the lowest priority.
Quest Logs which fail their checksum test say "This Quest Log is corrupted."
- The timestamp is passed to
which is where the term OSTicks comes from.