🌸Blossom Race Rules
Get Started​
Make sure you generate seeds on the Dev Branch until 1.2 becomes stable.
Settings String​
Recent changes​
- Exclusions:
- Lake Lantern Cave
- Overworld bug source checks (24 total; ex: 2 in Kakariko Gorge)
- Agitha rewards reduced from 8 to 6
- Keys:
- Big keys changed from Anywhere to OwnDungeon
- Still start with 2 of 3 Goron Mines key shards
- Start with Hyrule Castle big key
- Start with City in the Sky small key
- Big keys changed from Anywhere to OwnDungeon
- Hint distribution adjustments (see later in this document for details)
Glitchless Logic
Access Options
- Hyrule Castle Requirements: 3 Fused Shadows from bosses
- Palace of Twilight never required
- Faron Woods Logic: Open
- Hyrule Castle Requirements: 3 Fused Shadows from bosses
Item Pool
- All boxes checked
- Note: the following are shuffled, but the source checks are excluded:
- Hidden Skills (Golden Wolves)
- Shop Items
- Golden Bugs (overworld bug source checks, not Agitha)
- Poes are Vanilla
- 6 Agitha rewards are included (3 male and 3 female)
- The 18 bugs which have their rewards excluded are removed from the item pool.
Dungeon Items
- Small Keys: Own Dungeon, but never on bosses
- Big Keys: Own Dungeon
- Maps and Compasses: Start With
Starting Inventory
- General:
- Shadow Crystal
- Gate Keys
- 15 Poe Souls (Jovani 20 only requires 5 additional souls)
- Dungeons:
- 6 Progressive Sky Books (missing 1 sky char)
- 2 Goron Mines Key Shards (only need to find 1 big key)
- City in the Sky Small Key
- 3 Hyrule Castle Small Keys
- Hyrule Castle Big Key
- For your convenience:
- Horse Call
- Hawkeye
- Giant Bomb Bags
- General:
Excluded checks
- Hyrule Castle
- Lake Lantern Cave
- Bulblin Camp
- Cave of Ordeals
- Death Mountain Alcove Chest
- Overworld bug source checks (24 total; ex: 2 in Kakariko Gorge)
- Post-dungeon checks (Hidden Village, Ilia Memory Quest, Snowboarding Race, Talo Sharpshooting & Hawkeye)
- Jovani 60 (Jovani 20 not excluded, but start with 15 poe souls)
- Iza Raging Rapids Minigame (Iza 2)
- As mentioned in "Item Pool":
- Golden Wolves
- Shop Items
- 18 of 24 Agitha rewards (6 are included)
- Timesavers
- Everything enabled except Fast Spinner
- NOTE: you can warp away from the very beginning!
- Additional Settings
- Transform Anywhere: on
- Increase Wallet Capacity: on
- Shops Display The Replaced Item: on
- Bonks Do Damage: off
- Trap Item Frequency: None
- Damage Multiplier: Vanilla
- Starting Time of Day: Noon (default)
- Hint Distribution: Season 1
- Dungeon Entrances:
- Goron Mines Entrance is Open
- Lakebed Temple has the rock in front
- Arbiter's Does Not Require Bulbin Camp
- Snowpeak Ruins requires finding 2 fishing rods
- Temple of Time Entrance is Open (#FreeToT)
- City in the Sky requires 1 sky book
- No plando options enabled
- Timesavers
The following general tricks are banned:
- Actor Duping
- Back in Time
- Big Key Skips
- Clawshot Actor Displacement (basic L-slide is fine)
- Death through Load Zones
- Epona Out of Bounds
- Fanadi Wrong Warp
- Iza Item Manipulation (stealing bomb bag, infinite bomb arrows, etc.)
- Map Glitch
- Moon Boots
- Text Displacement
- Universal Map Delay
The following location-specific tricks are banned:
- Owl Statue Clips
- Forest Temple Windless Bridge Boomerang Skips
- Goron Mines Wolf Gate Clips
- Entering Lakebed Temple in an invalid way
- The only valid way is to have Zora Armor and destroy the rock with a water bomb.
- Skipping the Reekfish
- Hyrule Castle Double Clawshot Skips
- Hyrule Castle Spinner Skip
- Hyrule Castle Boomerang Skip
Hints are technically new to Twilight Princess Randomizer, and in-game hints are especially new. Additionally there are some new capabilities with the TPR Hint System which do not exist in other Zelda Randomizers. Therefore it will take a little time to really develop an understanding, even if you are already familiar with hints in other Zelda Randomizers.
Remember that learning how to route and extract as much info as possible from each hint is a skill which cannot be perfected on your first playthrough. You will likely have an easier time understanding the hints by playing through a few seeds. It is not recommended that you attempt to develop a perfect understanding before playing.
It is recommended that you watch/skim the Hint System Introduction Video (2x speed recommended) to learn where all of the hint signs are located. Then you should casually play through a few seeds to get a better feel for things.
To understand almost everything there is to know about this ruleset and hint distribution (including a deep dive into the guiding principles), please see the Detailed Ruleset Explanation Video. Note that there have been slight changes to the ruleset since that video was recorded, so it will not be 100% accurate. However, the vast majority of it still applies (including the guiding principles which is arguably the most important part).
Approaching a seed​
Here is a general outline of how you might approach a seed:
- Check the Ordon sign in front of you to get your starting hints.
- This sign will ALWAYS indicate whether or not Ordon is hinted barren.
- If a zone's sign does not have a hint indicating "my zone is barren", then that zone is NOT hinted barren.
This is an absolute that applies to ALL zones!
- If a sign has a Junk hint such as "Go on, lad. Open the chest. (barren zone)", then it is telling you the zone you are currently in is hinted barren, and you should evacuate the area!
- If you are clearing Ordon right away, you should hold off on doing Bo or Goats since exactly one of these is guaranteed to be a Sometimes hint.
- Check the required dungeons on Link's house sign.
- The next priority is completing sphere0 checks and gathering hints.
- Do not forget that you can warp to different provinces from the start.
- While you are still determining the other 2 zones which are hinted barren, checking the hint sign in a zone should be one of the first things you do there (to confirm if it is hinted barren or not).
- In total, there are 3 hinted-barren zones; 1 of the 3 is a starting hint.
- A zone's sign will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS indicate whether or not that zone is hinted barren (even for dungeons).
- Note that if you get a Sometimes hint for a check in Zone A, then you know that Zone A is not hinted barren. You can potentially use this to decide where to go next.
- As part of your sphere0 routing, you may want to gather 4 poe souls.
You will need to find 5 poe souls for the Jovani reward, but 1 is always right next to Jovani.
However, if Castle Town is hinted barren then the Jovani reward is junk.
- Jovani's reward is NOT hinted since you only need to find a few poe souls.
- At some point you will want to go check the sign outside Agitha's Castle to see all Good items she rewards.
- Agitha is her own zone. She is NOT part of the Castle Town zone. However, she IS part of Lanayru Province.
- We prioritize hinting barren dungeons (limit 1).
- If no dungeons are hinted barren, then all of the dungeons have at least 1 check preventing barren.
- Don't forget that these are excluded: Shop Items, Bug source checks, Bulblin Camp, Death Mountain, Lake Lantern Cave
Everything else should be mostly self-explanatory. Good luck!
Hint distribution​
You are probably ready to try a seed out just from reading the "Approaching a seed" section. You can always come back to this section later.
On the other hand, for an in-depth explanation of absolutely everything you would ever need to know, please see the videos linked at the top of the document.
The hint distribution is set to the "Season 1" distribution.
Hints can be found in-game by reading signs spread across the overworld and dungeons. You can find one sign per zone (Temple of Time has 2), and excluded zones and unrequired dungeons do not contain hints. The sign outside Agitha's Castle has the AgithaRewards hint. Jovani's 60 souls reward is excluded, and the 20 souls reward is unhinted.
There are rare edge cases to almost everything when it comes to hints (such as 0 barren zones meaning 0 Barren hints). I don't list these here since it would make it more difficult to understand, and they are (1) rare and (2) not critical to know before playing.
- 3 Barren zones (prioritizes barren dungeons, max 1 barren dungeon hint)
- 3 Path hints (1 ItemToItemPath and 2 Path to Boss)
- 1 Miscellaneous starting hint
- 5 Always hints
- 5 Sometimes hints (2nd hint on a sign)
- 2 Sword hints (found on dungeon signs)
- BeyondThisPoint hints, dungeon hints, and AgithaRewards hint
Overworld signs​
In general, each Overworld hint sign contains 2 hints (with the 2nd hint being a Sometimes hint), and each hint has multiple copies. Signs with Always hints do not have Sometimes hints; they contain 2 Location hints for Always checks instead.
Furthermore, the Ordon sign is a special "starting hints" sign which contains your 2 starting hints:
- 1 Barren Zone hint
- 1 Miscellaneous hint (a few different possibilities)
- Barren category (purple mist, upper desert, or lower desert), barren bug gender (male or female), or number or Boomerangs or Clawshots in Dungeons
Note that the starting hints do not have additional copies since you are expected to always read this sign at the start of the seed.
For normal Overworld signs, the following can be found as the first hint on the sign:
- 2 Barren Zone hints
- Note that we will prioritize hinting barren dungeons whenever possible! (limit 1)
- If you find all 3 barren zone hints and no dungeons are hinted, then you know that none of the dungeons are barren.
- Ex: "They say that there is nothing to be found at {Lake Hylia}."
- Ex: "They say that there is nothing to be found in the {Forest Temple}."
- 1 ItemToItemPath hint
- Ex: "They say that a {Clawshot} is on the path to the {Spinner}."
- In very rare cases, this hint might not be able to generate. You will have extra Filler hints in that case.
- 2 Path hints
- Ex: "They say that {Eldin Field} is on the path to {Morpheel}."
The Barren Zone hints have 3 copies, and everything else is 2 copies (note that the ItemToItemPath hints and Path hints may get extra copies to fill out any leftover signs). A Zone hinting itself as barren with a Junk hint counts as one of the 3 copies. A dungeon hinting itself as barren is a special 4th copy. Always hints only have 2 copies each.
Signs belonging to excluded zones get Filler hints, so there is no reason to visit an excluded zone to read the hint sign. For example, there is no reason to read the sign in Hidden Village or Death Mountain.
Always hints
- 5 Always hints (2 checks hinted per sign; find at least 3 and at most 4 of the 5 signs to get all hints)
- Ex: "They say that {Goron Springwater Rush} rewards {bombs (5)} (not required). They say that {Iza Helping Hand} rewards an {orange Rupee} (not required)."
- Note that there is no "2nd layer hint" after the 2 Always hints on a sign.
Always Checks:
- Goron Springwater Rush
- Iza Helping Hand
- Lake Hylia Shell Blade Grotto Chest
- Lanayru Ice Block Puzzle Cave Chest
- Plumm Fruit Balloon Minigame
"Major / First Layer" Hints
The first hint on the sign is the stronger hint. The second hint is usually just a Sometimes hint.
ItemToItemPath hint explanation:
- ItemToItemPath hint
- Indicates that you must find at least 1 copy of an item in order to logically find the 2nd item.
- The 2nd item is always a unique (one findable copy) item which is logically required to complete the seed. This implies that the first item is also logically required.
- The Items referenced by this hint are never rewards for checks targeted by other hints. See the linked videos for more details.
- Ex: "They say that a {Clawshot} is on the path to the {Lantern}."
- Ex: "They say that a {Dominion Rod} is on the path to the {Male Grasshopper}."
Here are the options for the Misc Starting hint (2nd hint on Ordon sign):
- NumItemInDungeons hint
- This tells how many of an item (Gale Boomerang or Clawshots) can be found in Dungeons.
- Note that this does NOT direct toward any checks. It just states a fact without pointing toward anything.
- Ex: "They say that {0 Gale Boomerangs} can be found in {Dungeons}."
- Ex: "They say that {1 Clawshot} can be found in a {Dungeon}."
- BarrenBugGender (TradeGroup) hint
- Indicates that either male or female bugs can be ignored.
- This hint can show up even if Agitha is skippable.
- Note that bugs only prevent barren if they lead to an item which prevents barren, so it is unlikely you will find all 6 bugs. This is because some of the bugs which lead to nothing will likely be in barren zones.
- Ex: "They say that bringing {male bugs} to Agitha leads to nothing."
- BarrenCategory hint
- Indicates that a group of checks are barren.
- The ONLY categories that can be hinted are "purple mist", "upper desert", and "lower desert".
- For an explanation of Check Categories, please see the TPR Hints Wiki Page.
- Ex: "They say that there is nothing to be found in the {lower desert}."
- Ex: "They say that there is nothing to be found in the {upper desert}."
Second Layer / Sometimes hints​
The 2nd hint on an Overworld sign is a Sometimes hint. There are 5 different hints at 2 copies each. Note that some hints might get extra copies to fill out any leftover signs.
Some Overworld signs do not have 2nd layer hint placed on them:
- a sign with Always hints
- a sign belonging to a hinted-barren zone
- Note that there is no reason to go to an Overworld zone once you already know that it is hinted barren.
Sometimes hints are picked from a pool of somewhat time-consuming or inconvenient checks, but there are a few special cases which take priority over the normal pool.
- Bo or Goats hint
- Exactly one of "Wrestling With Bo" or "Herding Goats Reward" will always be hinted (unless Ordon is hinted barren, etc.).
- This is to encourage coming back for these checks later to make the start of the seed more fun.
- Ex: "They say that {Wrestling With Bo} rewards a {purple Rupee}."
- City in The Sky West Wing First Chest
- When CitS is a required dungeon, there is a 50% chance that this Sometimes hint is included.
- This is to encourage doing the west wing of CitS forwards some of the time and backwards some of the time.
- Ex: "They say that {City in The Sky West Wing First Chest} rewards {Arrows 10}."
The rest of the Sometimes hints come from a pool. A decent number of these hints are lantern checks which are off by themselves in order to lessen the impact of finding Lantern late into the seed. Others are checks which are slow or inconvenient such as "STAR Prize 2" and "Ordon Cat Rescue".
Special hints​
AgithaRewards hint​
- The Agitha sign is located right outside of Agitha's Castle, and it hints all Good items which are rewarded from Agitha.
- The only exception is that bugs which Agitha gives you are never listed even if they would be considered Good because this can make the hint harder to read. Thus, it is important that you trade in any bug which you receive from Agitha (unless you already know that gender of bug leads to nothing).
- In the event that Agitha rewards no Good items, her hint sign will indicate this.
Otherwise it will indicate which items she can reward.
- Ex: "Spinner"
- Ex: "Bow, Bow, Sword"
BeyondThisPoint hints​
Certain zones have a BeyondThisPoint hint which will be one of the following:
- {Nothing} beyond this point!
- Any checks beyond this point are barren.
- {Something good} beyond this point!
- There is at least one Good check beyond this point. Note that there can be multiple!
Since big keys are set to OwnDungeon, for dungeon signs with a BeyondThisPoint hint, the text will also indicate whether or not the big key is beyond this point:
- {Something good} and {big keys} beyond this point!
- There is at least 1 Good check, and there is also at least 1 big key.
- {Something good} beyond this point, but there are {no big keys}.
- There is at least 1 Good check, but there are no big keys.
- Only {big keys} beyond this point!
- There are no Good checks, but at least 1 big key is beyond this point.
- {Nothing} beyond this point!
- There are no Good checks and no big keys beyond this point.
These are the places you can find them:
- Lake Lantern Cave
- Hints the status of the 2nd half of the cave.
- Snowpeak Sign
- When Snowpeak Ruins is not a required dungeon, the Snowpeak sign will hint the status of the Freezard Grotto and the Cave Ice Lantern Chest.
- Goron Mines
- Hints the status of the rest of the dungeon starting at the 2nd elder room.
- Lakebed Temple
- Hints the status of the west wing of the dungeon.
- Arbiter's Grounds
- Hints the status of the checks beyond the poe gate.
- Temple of Time special 2nd sign
- Hints the status of the 2nd half of the dungeon.
- This is a special 2nd sign which is after the first half of the moving walls room. The main ToT sign is near the start of the dungeon right before Ooccoo.
- City in the Sky
- Hints the status of the east wing.
These add some variety to long (completely/mostly) linear sections or help with time-consuming checks. For example, it is better to skip the 2nd half of LLC some of the time rather than to do the exact same thing every single seed.
Dungeon hints​
All dungeons other than Forest Temple and Snowpeak Ruins have a BeyondThisPoint hint. To help balance this, Forest Temple and Snowpeak Ruins each get a special hint placed on their sign.
- Forest Temple
- The hint sign will always indicate the reward for defeating the miniboss.
- Snowpeak Ruins
- The hint sign will indicate the reward for 1 of 3 inconvenient 2nd floor checks:
- "Snowpeak Ruins Chapel Chest"
- "Snowpeak Ruins Lobby Chandelier Chest"
- "Snowpeak Ruins Northeast Chandelier Chest"
- This hint will always hint the bedroom key if it is in one of these 3 checks.
- Otherwise, this hint has a slight preference for hinting checks which are Good or Required.
- The hint sign will indicate the reward for 1 of 3 inconvenient 2nd floor checks:
Additionally, Temple of Time gets an extra hint to make it more enjoyable:
- Temple of Time
- The hint sign at the start of the dungeon will always indicate the reward for defeating the miniboss.
- This hint is placed on the sign even if the BeyondThisPoint hint indicates there is nothing in the 2nd half of the dungeon.
This main purpose of this hint is to help with clearing ToT when it is hinted barren or you are already in go-mode, though it is never not convenient.
- If the Darknut has the big key, then you know up front.
- This makes it easier to mentally cope compared to full clearing the entire dungeon with no info.
- Additionally, since you know where the big key is, you can rush to the top as soon as you find all of your small keys.
- If the Darknut does not have the big key:
- You know the 3rd small key is not needed. You use the 1st at the very start, so you really only need to find 1 more key (the 2nd or 3rd key).
- You should full clear until you get to where you can either go to the Armos Antechamber room or go to the BeyondThisPoint sign.
- If you found a key and can go to the BeyondThisPoint sign, it will tell you whether you can skip the Armos Antechamber room or you can skip the checks beyond the sign.
- Regardless of what happens, you will never be in a go-mode scenario where you are just full clearing the dungeon with no plan and hoping the seed decided to be nice. This should make this dungeon significantly more enjoyable!
Other Dungeon hints​
Each dungeon (other than hinted-barren dungeons) will also get one of the following hints on its sign:
- MostSwordsProvince hint
- This tells which province contains the most swords.
If the number is 2, then it is possible that 2 provinces both have 2 swords.
If the number is 1, then each sword is in a different province.
- Remember that all Dungeons belong to the "Dungeons" province.
- Ex: "They say that {2 swords} can be found in {Dungeons}."
- Ex: "They say that {3 swords} can be found in {Lanayru Province}."
- Ex: "They say that {1 sword} can be found in {Peak Province}."
- This tells which province contains the most swords.
If the number is 2, then it is possible that 2 provinces both have 2 swords.
If the number is 1, then each sword is in a different province.
- Auxiliary sword hint (1 copy)
- Hints a zone with a Sword which does not belong to the MostSwordsProvince.
If no dungeons are hinted barren, then there are 2 copies of the MostSwordsProvince hint and 1 of the Auxiliary sword hint. If a dungeon is hinted barren, then there is 1 copy of each hint (the hinted-barren dungeon hints itself as barren instead).
Important hint tips​
Hinted-barren zones hint themselves barren​
- If a zone is hinted barren, then its hint sign will ALWAYS indicate that it is barren (even for dungeons).
- If there are no other hints on that zone's sign, then it will use a Junk hint.
- Ex: "Who need mirror? (barren zone)"
- If there are other hints on that zone's sign, then it will use a Barren hint which indicates its own zone.
- Ex: The Arbiter's Grounds sign includes the hint "They say that there is nothing to be found at {Arbiter's Grounds}."
- If there are no other hints on that zone's sign, then it will use a Junk hint.
- If a dungeon is hinted barren, it will hint itself barren in addition to the 3 Barren hints which exist on overworld signs.
- For overworld zones which are hinted barren, one copy of the Barren hint goes to the hinted-barren zone and the other can go to any other overworld sign.
- There is no reason to visit an Overworld zone once you already know it is hinted barren.
If you see a Junk hint, it is time to evacuate the area. You are in a barren zone!
Other tips​
- If it is possible to hint a dungeon as barren, then we will (max 1).
- Therefore, if your 3 Barren Zone hints do not include a dungeon, then none of the dungeons are barren. This does not imply that they all have required items such as the Boomerang or Spinner though. They might simply have a bomb bag, etc.
- The SPR hint will prioritize hinting the bedroom key if possible.
If it does not, then you know the bedroom key is not any of these checks:
- "Snowpeak Ruins Chapel Chest"
- "Snowpeak Ruins Lobby Chandelier Chest"
- "Snowpeak Ruins Northeast Chandelier Chest"